Lime Essential Oil 15ml
It is said that the mere inhalation of the beautiful citrus scent of lime can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and evoke alertness. Massaging the oil can have a relaxing and stress-relieving effect.
Botanical Name: Citrus aurantifolia**
Origin: Mexico.
Extraction Method: Cold pressed.
Plant Part: Fruit peel.
Plant Description: A shrubby tree growing to 5 m with many thorns; its flowers are white with purple edges; its fruit is spherical and yellow when ripe but is picked green commercially.
Aroma: Fresh, citrusy, sweet, slightly tart.
Note: Middle.
Consistency: Thin.
Color: Clear, pale yellow to yellow liquid.
Blends Well With: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Mandarin, Neroli, Nutmeg, Orange, Palmarosa, Rosemary, Rosewood, Vetiver, and Ylang-ylang.
Main Constituents: Limonene: 55.40%, y-terpinene: 16%.
Benefits: Uplifts, supports respiration, energizes skincare, cleans.
Shelf Life: Up to 2 years.
Kid Safe: May be used by children 10+.
Pregnancy Safe: Yes, consult doctor.
Breastfeeding Safe: Yes, consult doctor.
Cat Safe: No.
Dog Safe: Yes.
Dilution Rate: 5% or less.
GC/MS tested to guarantee safety, efficacy & quality.
Please do your own research when beginning to use essential oils in your home. Each person is different, and the way you react to a certain product may be significantly different from that of other people.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please consult with a trusted healthcare or essential oil professional.
Not all essential oils are suitable for use in a diffuser or application on the skin, please *do not* take internally.
**Information on this website/blog has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and products referred to are not intended to or guaranteed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
By Simply Earth.
**Eco Friendly, Social Good, Handmade,
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